Natasha (45) quit her career as a high school principle in Kyiv in 2014 when her husband's undertaking business in Italy came to the brink of bankruptcy and he asked for help. Days after moving to Italy she found herself doing all the work, talking to clients, solving bureaucratic puzzles, washing and dressing the bodies, and sealing the coffins. She never regrets her decision to enter this life. She cries together with the families of her clients, sings cheerful songs on the long trips in their minivan and keeps Sergei on his toes with her witty humour.

Sergei (58), a former state officer in Ukraine, was a prospering businessman in Italy until his business partner betrayed him and cheated him out of company's assets and cash. He drives Natasha and the coffins and worries about her wellbeing saying "she will work herself to death." Sergei likes to keep a grand perspective on things, he believes in omens, superstitions and life after death. He often feels that they have no time to be together, their work takes up all the space.
Sergei's daughter Yulia (23) fled the war in Ukraine together with her mother (Sergei's ex wife). They now live with Natasha and Sergei. She is a beautician by training but she's never had a job, being supported by her father from abroad. Natasha and Sergei take her with them, trying to "baptise" her into their business but the first cases come hard for her.